
reflect and learn

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

shit happens

You know through out your life you are going to have some reallly good times but with that you will have some really bad times. Life's a trip. There is always going to be drama. people won't always get along. you won't always get what you want. but that is part of life. There will always be someone that doesn't like you, that thinks you are annoying, or stupid or something dumb, but don't let it get to you because if you always cared what other people thought of you then you will jsut stuck being upset all the time. And that's not the way to live life. All you need is a few close friends who will be with you through it all. The good and the bad. So yea, i know people that hate me, I know that people take shit about me. But you know what? it doesn't bug me. I don't waste my time being upset at them. yeah. shit happens.

1 comment:

  1. you're absolutely right hun :)
    shit happens. but LOVE happens.
    and you know that for sure when you see friends by your side, always protecting you
